Saturday, November 16, 2019
What Is Career Planning And Development Commerce Essay
What Is Career Planning And Development Commerce Essay Individuals can no longer expect job security and a career path that takes them through a steady progression of jobs of increasing status and responsibility. The employee has the lead responsibility for his or her career development. Supervisors, managers, and the organization can provide meaningful assistance in this process. There are numerous ways for an employer to contribute to an individual employees career development and at the same time meet the organizational needs. The outcomes desired by organizations include achieving the best match between people and jobs. Individuals desired outcomes range from status to job flexibility to monetary rewards, depending upon the situation.( Cheryl, H 2005) According to Tricia Jackson, 2004, Career Development is a process of assessing, aligning and balancing organizational and individual needs, capabilities and opportunities and challenges through multiple approaches and methods. It emphasizes the person as an individual who performs configures and adapts various work roles. Career development is not a mere management responsibility. It is a composite organizational process which involves people, addresses their ambitions, assigns them roles responsibilities commensurate with their potential, evaluates their performance, and creates Job positions to accommodate growth ambitions of employees. Career planning is the process of establishing short or long term career goals and objectives and defining the specific steps required to achieve them. These steps may include the type of jobs, training, development and other activities (Jackson, T 2004). Importance of career planning and development There is increasing rate of change of our organizations and in the knowledge and skills we need to perform our jobs. Both external and internal factors influence the need for career development. Among these factors, Slavenski and Buckner (1988) list the following: o The need to identify and forecast personnel needs o Social and demographic trends o The changing nature of work o Changing types of jobs o Equity and a multicultural work force o Worker productivity o Technological change and decreasing advancement opportunities o Organizational philosophies Employers are motivated to establish career development programs because such programs are seen as an effective response to various personnel problems, because top managers prefer to promote existing employees and to ensure a good fit between the work and the worker, and because employees have expressed interest in career development as a benefit (Gutteridge 1986). Above all, most organizations adopt career development programs in response to pragmatic human resource concerns and because they believe it will help ensure a continued supply of qualified, talented personnel (Gutteridge 1986, p. 58). It is a known fact that most professionals leave an organisation due to lack of career growth. Active career development initiatives by a company is a key retention tool to keep the best talent within its fold. (Sudipta Dev) Advantages of career planning and development Every organisation needs to retain people with the right skills and talent. This can be enabled by investing in their future growth and showing them the path to fulfil their dreams. In this process the effort put by employees gives a fillip to their performance and transforms into greater organisational productivity. The whole process should be well organised to receive full support from employees who will clearly see the advantages. It is mutually beneficial to the employee as well as the employer. No organisation can develop without taking its employees on the growth path and an individuals development is meaningless if it does not align with the organisational goals and strategies. When an individuals aspirations is directed elsewhere from that of his organisations it can lead to absolute chaos. Sudipta Dev) For the employees Career development programmes enable a deeper focus on an employees aims and aspirations-from identification of the handicaps being faced by an employee in accomplishing his goals to the solutions in terms of re-skilling or reassignment. This focus acts as the significant motivator for an employee to excel and exceed the targets From the employees point of view career development initiatives gives them a clear focus about their career track, the blind spots that they have to overcome and the final goal to be reached. This focussed approach works to their advantage from their everyday work to long-term aspirations. (Sudipta Dev) For the organization These career development efforts bring into focus high potential candidates who can be groomed for greater responsibilities in the future. (Sudipta Dev) n organisation focussed on developing the career path of its employees boosts the morale and ultimately the productivity of its staff. (Sudipta Dev) Purpose In undertaking its wide-sweeping Compensation Reform initiative, the Commonwealth of Virginia overhauled its classification and compensation system in favor of a modernized, flexible compensation and performance management system that offers employees the opportunity to more easily take advantage of career opportunities. The current initiative of Compensation Reform is Career Development. This Career Development Guide provides state employees and their management with a reference document that: Offers a general road map for continuing career and professional development. Provides an understanding of the behavioral and technical competencies that are required to effectively perform tasks in their occupations, and to use for career planning. Presents a reference document on learning and other developmental opportunities which may be used in preparation of Employee Development Plans a component of the Employee Work Profile The purpose of career development is to: Enhance each employees current performance Enable individuals to take advantage of future job opportunities Fulfill their employers goals for a dynamic and effective workforce. We live in uncertain times. Factors outside of the employee and employers control may affect the outcome of career actions. But one thing is true the best career development move is to perform well in ones current position. Consistent, high quality performance along with thoughtful career planning will help ensure continued success on the job. People at your company who want to advance their careers are always looking for ways to sharpen and improve their skill sets. Your challenge becomes making sure youre investing in learning programs that will best help your employees address their skill gaps, prepare for future roles, and achieve individual goals-thereby contributing to the success of your company. With carrer planning and Development employers can establish a clear path for employees to achieving their goals. Steps to career planning Steps to Career Planning Step Action 1 Conduct self-assessment. 2 Explore careers that interest you. 3 Make decisions and set goals. 4 Create an action planner. 5 Manage your career. It is important to know your overall goal. Think about where you would like to be at the end of your career and set your plan to get there. The best way to ensure compatibility and balance in your life and career is to consider all aspects of your life from the beginning of your plan. Once you have a sense of what you are trying to accomplish overall, it is important for you to establish your current status. A personal inventory can reveal your: abilities interests and attitudes The inventory will define your: strengths and weaknesses Looking for a match between your strengths and the work you are doing or considering is the most important step before making any decisions. Assessing your personality and attitudes will help you determine the best way for you to move toward your goal: What are your current skills and achievements? What about knowledge and values? How will your learning style impact your pursuit? What are your interests? When you are clear on these things, you will be able to make better choices about the direction you want your career to take and do a better job of convincing prospective employers that you are the best choice!
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